We're moving! All appointments after July 26th will be serviced at our new home at 172 St Helens Ave
Treatments We Offer


Electro Acupuncture is a therapeutic technique that combines traditional acupuncture with modern electrical stimulation. In this method, thin acupuncture needles are inserted into specific acupoints on the body, and a low-frequency electrical current is applied through the needles. The electrical stimulation enhances the effects of traditional acupuncture by providing a gentle and adjustable pulsating sensation, which is believed to further promote blood circulation, relieve pain, and stimulate the body's natural healing processes. Electro-Acupuncture may be used in your STRONG. chiropractic or physiotherapy appointments to treat various conditions, including chronic pain, muscle tension, neurological disorders, and certain types of paralysis.

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Have an ache or pain you need help with? Need to see someone for physical therapy and don't know where to start? Hate the gym and want to improve your fitness? We can help.